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Transmission Service

Your transmission is what delivers power from the engine to the wheels of your car. Over time, the transmission fluid that lubricates, cools and cleans the gears and components of your transmission will deplete and degrade. To ensure the health of your transmission, this fluid should be replaced at regular intervals. At Lifetime Automotive, we carry the recommended transmission fluids for all car makes and models, and will get your car back on the road quickly with fast, affordable transmission maintenance and repair.

Whether your transmission is manual or automatic, making sure your car is protected with the best in transmission maintenance and care is important. As one of the central components of your car, a transmission problem can spell bigger trouble down the road if it’s left untreated. That’s why Lifetime Automotive advocates proactive, not reactive, fluid replacement. Our mechanics will advise you on the best transmission fluids for different vehicles, when to replace the filter that removes fluid contaminants, and maintenance of the bands that allow your car to seamlessly shift gears.

Get back on the road today with Lifetime Automotive. We specialize in transmission repair and maintenance for all vehicles, and work efficiently to keep your car out of the shop and on the road. For an estimate of services, call Lifetime Automotive today or bring your car in!


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